Throughout the world, women and girls lack opportunity and suffer from unacceptable levels of discrimination and abuse. It is not only wrong, but also prevents them from playing a full productive part in society and decision-making. We believe that when women and girls are given the opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with others, they will be able to realize their fullest potential and positively impact their world around them.
Let’s build a better tomorrow for these women and girls of the Dominican Republic!
“Deborah Generation” empowers women now and into the future; this requires both an investment and a process. Our focus begins with the women in leadership roles. When you empower leaders you affect the multitudes. ​Not only do we witness their personal growth, but also growth in the circle of ladies within their communities.
We watch these women grow as spiritual mothers, intercessors, wise counselors, mentors and spiritual warriors.
The Deborah Generation Directive, lead by its founder Renee Larson, consists of Dominican leadership who pour into women in their geographical areas. Also, there are teams of collaborators from both the north coast and Santo Domingo who make up the core of Deborah Generation’s task force.
Women flourish with the support of other wise women who understand their lives. Building community amongst the women in leadership produces unity. Praying together brings breakthrough. Having times of fellowship allows for opportunities to bond and mentor. Teaching on the Word and holding conferences permits a time for God to speak to them without the distractions and demands of life.
​Deborah Generation is changing lives into the next generation​.

Daughters of Hope is a Deborah Generation program that brings hope to those forgotten.
What does one do in a crisis? There are numerous adolescent girls in the Dominican Republic who are pregnant and not sure what to do. Various scenarios exist.
These adolescent moms need information such as what to expect in these upcoming months, how to care for a newborn, childbirth, breastfeeding and future educational options. They also need to know there is a loving God who offers hope and a purpose for their life and the life of their unborn child.
Daughters of Hope offers a three step program that addresses these topics and others.
Our hope is that this generation of mothers can be truly equipped, empowered and encouraged as they embark upon one of the most important roles in their lives.